Electroceuticals are medical devices that stimulate nerves to give a health benefit or cure a chronic condition. As the brain controls human organs by electric impulses through nerves, these medical devices hold a huge potential in the medical field. They can easily control organ functionality. Various companies have introduced electroceuticals specifically for obesity. Let's dive deep into mechanisms of how electroceuticals can improve chronic obesity.
1. The vBloc Therapy Maestro® (EnteroMedics)
This device basically blocks the vagus nerves by electric stimulation at both ends(anterior and posterior) at the gastroesophageal junction. Although statistically, the trial results have shown very less significant effect of this device compared to the sham device, it still has shown sustained weight loss of around 23% to 21% after 18 to 24 months.
2. Diamond system (formerly Tantalus, MetaCure)
This device basically was primarily tested for type 2 diabetes but has shown a significant level of weight loss in patients.
Engineers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have created a novel ingestible capsule that can help control weight by simulating a feeling of fullness in the stomach. The tiny capsule, which is non-invasive in nature, produces electric currents in the stomach and activates stretch receptors, which in turn reduces food intake by almost 40%, according to animal studies.
There are various devices are still in the trial phase and hold promising future for chronic obesity. Electroceuticals can be a sustainable alternative to allopathic medication and invasive surgeries. For the reliability to such devices, there is still need for better research trial outcomes.